Tips To Dominate The PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

TRICKY LANDING It’s sure not easy to pick a landing zone in such a big landscape as Erangel. And everybody has their own preferences. However, most preferred locations are — in South the Villa or the Novorepnoye port; in North the containers and the Georgopol Hospital; and the Military Island. As you know, you’ll have plenty of unwanted company in these areas, so beware of the danger lurking nearby! FALL FREE — BUT WITH CONTROL There are no two ways about it. Actually, there are only two ways about it. Either you’ll start with being the only contestant for the building of your choice or it’ll be a game for the throne right from the beginning, with many fighting for the same building. What can you say, for us timid souls, the former beginning is the method of choice. (You can have your own.) Hold the W key after jumping out of the plane. Also, hold the Alt key to scan the trouble spots if you want to avoid or join them. THE MAP-SHRINK — NO ROOM AT THE PERIPHERY Getting caught outside of the map can prove to be lethal, as the damage gets double whenever it happens. After 1 minute and 50 seconds you leap from the plane, the map starts to collapse. At first, it collapses at 1 minute 50 seconds, then after 5 minutes from the first collapse, the third collapse occurs only after 3 and a half minutes from the second, the fourth and fifth after 2 minutes and so on. So watch out. THOU SHALL NOT FORGET THY CROWN — THE HELMET The only thing that saves you from a bullet inside your head is your helmet. Yes, you read it right, you have got a lifeline in the form of a helmet and you must take it. Level one and two helmets can protect you from one headshot, but not from a shot on your face. But a level three helmet will do exactly that. Keep your eyes open for the level threes. AN OPEN DOOR MIGHT CLOSE THE DOOR ON YOU If you see a door open, there are more chances of water being on mars than there being any loot inside the door. Meaning: There was/ still is someone inside. And, you can also trick your enemies by hiding behind them closed doors or in the corners. NO ROOM FOR COMPLACENCY Remember you are inside a timed landscape. Eventually, it is going to shrink and put you into the center or out of the game. So there is no point in just hiding it out, waiting for the enemies to kill themselves off. The only way to win is to be on the constant lookout out for loot and bounty. So loot plenty and loot timely! WEAPONS NOT LOADED ARE WEAPONS NOT LOOOTED A sniper will not wait for you to first load your collected weapons to headshot you. You cannot afford to be not ready QUICK ACCESS FOR HEALTH BOOSTS You read it right: you won’t have to open your inventory each time you have to boost your health; imagine if you were in a combat. ALWAYS MOVE FROM THE PERIPHERY TO THE CENTER AND NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND Being in the thick of things right in the beginning is a sure shot way of getting yourself eliminated. Just don’t overdo this tactic. THE MORE THE LOOT/BURDEN THE BETTER, OR IS IT? You can not hold an infinite amount of loot with you, so loot only what you need, and don’t be greedy. Although you can expand your capacity for carrying loot, make sure it’s not a burden. WATER IS YOUR FRIEND If you need saving from a high-speed projectile and a water pool is nearby, the best way to save yourself is to dive in. In the game, water will surely dampen the bullet’s speed and increase your chance of survival.