With the latest Black Ops 4 leaving everything traditional about Call Of Duty in the wind, this return to Modern Warfare seems more apt. Besides, people are tired of wall running and double jumping. And these are the very reasons why COD: WW II was a big hit than the previous COD titles.


Of course, rumors are just rumors and a lot of things could happen between 2018 and 2019. The rumor comes from GamingIntel’s Matt Harris who has reported on both accurate and inaccurate leaks and rumors in the past. According to Harris: Like i said rumors are rumors. We may not have anything official at all for an year from the Infinity ward studio too. However, it is interesting to see that many top designers who had left for Respawn to work on Titanfall (Hell of a game!) from Infinity Ward, have actually returned to work for Infinity Ward. Our sources stated that Call of Duty would release as a “fully fledged” Call of Duty title, with a campaign that is already being worked on, the customary Call of Duty Multiplayer experience and the return of its Zombies mode. This source also said that Battle Royale was being discussed for Modern Warfare 4, but at that point, it was merely discussions.


We could make it out that, Infinity ward definitely has something traditional up its sleeve with all its former designers back. Let’s hope that, there will be no more wall running and futuristic stuff that deviate the whole game from the actual military warfare. Fans would love to see the first three Modern warfare games recreated with current technology, much better graphics and a great story to tell for ages (about time we got new Captain Price). Stay tuned for more gaming news!