Development of Angular happened in 2009 which got revived in two or three years in 2012 with the entry of its Version 1.0. Angular has been ruling the universe of open source JavaScript structure for quite a while as it has discovered its reception among enterprises and developers. Slowly with time, Google has gradually upgraded AngularJS to version 1.0 then it got updated to Angular version 2.0 to the latest version Angular 4.0. Through the span of time, it got repurposed and rebranded the end letters “JS” which remains for JavaScript got dropped over the time as TypeScript assumed control over its place. So many changes happened in the lifecycle of Angular within a span of just five years. In AngularJS or Angular 1 you can imagine two-way information binding and changes in the information is recognizable in the UI through JavaScript. Using Angular JS, you can create reusable codes that were not possible before. Using this dynamic front end can be created and does not require any mobile support. Utilizing Angular, you can create basic applications that are easy to employ and keep up. AngularJS has transformed into a most cherished choice for building a SPA, as the structure was worked in perspective of testability. A portion of the cutting edge highlights like dependency injection and separation of concerns are as of now incorporated into this bundle as an inherent element. These features are tempting enough for a developer to chose Angular for web development as it reduces the development cost and ensures faster delivery. Angular2 was discharged later to AngularJS or Angular 1, yet it is entirely different from its previous form. The architecture of Angular2 is much different than other JavaScript frameworks as well. It is empowered with the ability to solve the problems that were faced by the previous versions. Even it is a lot faster than its predecessor, and the process of updating the web page is calculated to be eight times faster. Some of the exciting features that got incorporated in Angular2 are simple templates, easy debugging, powerful APIs and of course enhanced performance. These changes are still in its early stage. In Angular2 you can make out a sharp difference between standard HTML versus Angular attributes. Here you will not find any battling for HTML5 complaint data-ng click and short and sweet-ng clicks, here they got replaced with click attributes that are written inside the parenthesis. This method of inscription in brackets, punctuation and using asterisks is the discrete method of how Angular 2 ensures two-way data binding and DOM changing attributes.

Understanding different versions of Angular

Before getting into an in-depth discussion of a modified version of Angular, let us get some clear description of each version of Angular.

The first form of Angular was discharged in 2010 and was named as AngularJS a few people additionally term it as Angular 1.0. This was the opensource stage utilised as the front-end apparatus for the web application advancement. This is the tool that had made possible the development of a dynamic web app. This JavaScript-based tool made use of HTML template language. By binding data to the HTML attributes and expression, it created an environment that is decipherable, amazingly communicative and easy to use for web development. All the progressive versions that were discharged after AngularJS was named as Angular 2, Angular 4 and so forth the platforms are open source and TypeScript based. The point to be noted for Angular 2 is, not a broadened variant of AngularJS but was made from the scratch, this the motivation why AngularJS and Angular 2 are composed uniquely. The most recent rendition of Angular will be Angular 4 although Angular 2 was totally modified yet Angular 4 is only an enhanced form of Angular 2. Now an inquiry may emerge what happened to Angular 3? To keep the router strife, the Angular advancement group had avoided the variant 3. In this way, they thought they could prevent the version conflicts and align all the core packages.

The contrast among AngularJS and Angular 2

if you look at these two versions relying upon the communion among various components, you may discover AngularJS is much smoother and quicker if there should arise an occurrence of encouraging messages between multiple parts, which makes it a benevolent interface and simple to be utilised for the engineers. AngularJS is controller based where communication of View happens through $Scope. On the contrary, Angular 2 is Component-based, and the existence of the Controller has become extinct over here. The building block of Angular 2 is components. The advantage of this approach is it makes use of maximum code reuse. Which makes it developer friendly as they can make use of the codes in the future. For unit testing, Angular 2 takes significantly lesser time than AngularJS as it utilises components. This is the reason why web applications developed tested with minimum efforts. The ingredients make it possible with its consistency and smoothness. The use of elements makes it possible to track the test for its movement of resources, usage of resources and implementation of events. If both the platforms are compared from the speed standpoint, you will notice Angular 2 is almost five times faster than its predecessor. With Anguular2 you can have more language choice than its predecessor. Here you can utilise TypeScript, Dart, JavaScript, PureScript, ELM and so forth though in AngularJS no other JavaScript can be employed. These are the real contrast that keeps separated both the variants.

Contrast amongst Angular 2 and Angular 4

We have just come to realise that Angular 2 was composed of the scratch and it has no similitude with AngularJS. The story isn’t same for Angular 2 and Angular 4, Angular 2 was discharged in 2016, and Angular 4 was released following a couple of months in 2017, Angular 4 is basically an improved form of Angular 2 regarding execution.  The later version is equipped with much finer details than the former version for the better user interface, smooth outcomes, and quicker responses. If you are planning to change from Angular 2 to Angular 4, the transition will not be so much painful as changing from AngularJS to Angular 2 as it won’t be a complete rewrite. Here you have to make some simple changes in the core libraries. The fundamental thought and case of Angular 2 and Angular 4 are same as Angular 4 was released as the accompanying interpretation of Angular 2. Angular 4 inherits almost all the concepts of Angular2 with few enhancements. Particularly to reduce the size of AOT a lot of improvements has been made. The TypeScript 1.8 version is bolstered by Angular 2 while in Angular 4 all the most recent rendition of TypeScript is upheld which implies all the new highlights can be made use in Angular 4 application. If you are moving from Angular 2 to Angular 4 with reference to the activity you need to change the package reference with the end goal to decrease the package estimate. One of the remarkable transformations amid Angular2 and Angular4 is, in Angular4 else block introduced along with *ngif which was missing in Angular2.

Angular 5

The latest release of Angular is Angular5, in this version the modular architecture has got enhanced. In this version, all the phases are improved from UI design to testing which will help the developers to design applications easily.

In this version, Build Optimizer is introduced to eliminate useless code. This feature will help the developer to get clear, compressed and arranged code. This rendition is likewise furnished with Angular Universal State Transfer API, and DOM bolsters that causes the engineer to share the condition of application between client side and server side smoothly. In this variation, you can find improved Compiler reinforce that assistants in an incremental compilation of an application. In the past adaptations of Angular, you can discover new lines, tabs and void areas were made during the build however in this version the engineer can choose whether they need them or not. In Angular5 you can confine them in component level or in the application level. In this version standardisation and internationalisation of codes has happened across different browsers. This is achieved by using a structured format for date, number, and currencies. It abolishes the need of i18n polyfills.

In Angular five you can encounter enhanced decorator bolster, here you can utilise lambda articulation as opposed to naming capacities. How these adaptations contrast from one another on the foundations? Underneath I have separated Angular JS from different renditions of Angular based on some of the major determining factors. Angular JS was based on MVC design that was actualized through JavaScript and HTML. Here model was the focal part that was in charge of the conduct of the application and furthermore oversees information, logic, and guidelines. Here in this version “Model” and “controller” are implemented through JavaScript whereas view is implemented through HTML. When the Angular 2 version was introduced a major change was visible in the form of structural remodeling. Here the methodology was service/controller; Angular 4 likewise pursues a similar method with slight changes in the code. In Angular2, in particular, you can see components and directives substituted controller and $Scope. They are responsible for the view of the app and also deals with the logic. In Angular2 you can work with two distinct kinds of directives.

Structural directive Attributive directive

Structural directive vagaries the presence of the DOM by changing its elements whereas the attributive directive vagaries the behavior of the DOM. 2. View Engine This engine is accountable for generating an HTML file from views. This is normally the combination of any programming language and HTML that writes codes in your pictures. The concept of view engine has just come in Angular 4. 3. Animation Package In AngularJS or Angular 1.0 the animation codes were encompassed by default whether you required them or not. However, from Angular4 the animation package has got separated and is no longer part of the core module as it was in the previous versions This is the inspiration driving why the core bundling size has reduced for Angular 4. In the event that you wish you can incorporate the animation bundle from the Browser Animation Module. 4. Expression Syntax In AngularJS if you are binding any image/ property or event, you have to use the right ng directive.  But in the case of later versions of Angular () and [] are used for the event and property binding respectively. 5. Mobile Support In AngularJS mobile support was thoroughly missing, as it was not constructed remembering mobile support. Yet, in the later forms of Angular mobile support is available. 6. Routing In AngularJS $routeprovider.when() is used to configure route while in the later versions of Angular you can find @RouteConfig{(…)} is used.


After reading the entire article, you may start wondering which version of Angular Development Services will better suit you the answer is always the newer version as it is packed with all the facilities that a developer may need for his project. But before choosing any version for your project try to answer some of the questions

What are the libraries that you may need in your project? In which version they are compatible? The web browsers that should support? If you are looking forward to new browsers, then later version for Angular is best to choose than AngularJS.

With the release of the latest versions new developers may not feel learning AngularJS, but it is necessary to learn as it is the basic version. The later forms of Angular are unmistakably responsive and have its very own benefits in the realm of web advancement. But if are just a newcomer it is always recommended to learn the basic version and then upgrade yourself to the newer versions.