Whether we want to admit it or not, our computers and phones are an inexhaustible source of information about us. From phone numbers, addresses, emails with more or less confidential business and private data, bank reports, not to mention passwords and user accounts. However, we should pay special attention to some things, especially if we do not use any additional protection system. If you receive such documents in your e-mail, download them to your computer and delete them from the inbox. In the event of an intrusion into your e-mail, it will make it difficult for hackers to find additional information about you. Once you download documents to your computers or smartphone, consider creating a digital archive that is not available online. Insert into a removable encryption disc and place all sensitive documents on that disc and delete it from the computer. Digital copies of personal documents can come in handy if there is a theft or loss of physical documents, or if you make some kind of digital login. However, if they are unprotected, you run the risk of identity theft. As silly as it sounds, some people never delete their search history on their computer. And it hides a lot of information about the user of that computer. From information about your e-mail service, bank, place of work, business e-mail, to unpleasant searches that you did late. If you already have to write down a password or PIN, make sure it is difficult to find or difficult to recognize. Choose one of the password managers, programs that specialize in storing passwords, or use a trick and write down the passwords in a document that you will call by another name, and hide the password in a larger text. If you use multiple computers or smartphones, you probably have data synchronization set up between those devices. From receiving emails on any device you use, through syncing your browser, social media profiles, to chats or messages that appear as soon as you log on to a computer. You should consider restricting the reception of messages on only one device that you use most often. This will reduce the possibility of someone reading your messages without authorization just because you forgot to shut down the app or sign out of your account. You can strengthen your password by using more than the minimum required eight characters and using random characters. Not only should the codes be stronger, but they should be unique. Using the same passwords on multiple sites and services poses a great risk. Just as you would not use the same key to open your front door and your car, you should never use the same code on multiple accounts. Creating and remembering multiple strong and unique passwords is difficult, so we recommend using a password manager. Passwords are not enough to keep you safe. Password managers allow two-step verification. When you enable two-step verification, it protects your data from being attacked by an attacker with your username and password. Two-step verification (also known as two-factor authentication) is just an extra layer of protection. Basically, for someone to log in to your account and make changes, they must have more than your password. One of those security tools is Keeper Password Manager & Digital Vault. It provides you with a lot of different features like KeeperChat, BreachWatch, Dark Web Protection, and much more; find out here what else this tool provides for you. They also need a verification code that is sent to one of your devices, something that those who “fish” probably don’t have. To enable two-step verification, login, and select the password and security option. You will be asked to register a trusted device, such as your phone or tablet. Be sure to print the recovery key in case of phone loss or do not have instant access to the phone, and you need to log in to your account. Password managers contain a lot of information making them high-value targets, so securing the vault is essential. The memory of the master password in the password manager allows access to data in databases. Until there was no Internet, we only remembered the password. As more and more day-to-day operations move to the Internet, so does the number of important passwords. Nobody likes to deal with secure but complicated passwords, and not to mention meaningless ones (the best from security) – it is impossible to remember them. That is why most users opt for something easy to remember, but it is also easy to guess. The number of passwords can also discourage you and make you use it for everyone. The relentless consequence of such a casual attitude is that if a malicious person guesses your password, they will gain access to all places protected by it. So, choose a separate password for each service or service. On the other hand, choosing simple passwords (or just one) is good because you will remember them for sure. This conflict is difficult to resolve, so people decide and choose a simple password that may be easy to guess, but at least they will never forget it. Keep in mind that modern password storage techniques involve storing only the hash value, not the password itself, so in case you forget it, it is impossible to recover it. Choosing a simple password is not a secure solution and can pave the way for hackers towards your entire life. Internet security, as well as the privacy of our data, are topics that are discussed daily. The passwords we use should be made up of a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and characters to ensure the security and protection of our privacy. Although many of us do, storing passwords in a text document is not recommended. If you trust your family members or associates, you can keep passwords on paper, but it’s up to you. When entering passwords to a computer that is not yours, use a virtual keyboard to prevent programs that store everything that is entered via the keyboard from saving your password. Use Password Manager as a secure solution to complex password storage problems for your security and peace of mind.