The functionality is now being made available to beta testers, with the expectation that it will be made available to all users in the near future. This functionality was discovered in the WhatsApp code a couple of months ago and was supposedly not available to any users at the time, whether they were stable or beta testers. WaBetaInfo, a feature tracker for WhatsApp, reports that the instant messaging service is gaining a new feature that will allow users to read status updates for business accounts by pressing on their profile image under the ‘business details’ tab. Users will be presented with two options: see profile photo and view the current status. The features tracker also observed that the Facebook-owned chat app would keep the former mode of viewing where the status updates are displayed in the Status tab, which was previously available in the chat app. According to WABetaInfo, this functionality is presently being rolled out solely to users of Business accounts, with normal WhatsApp account users perhaps receiving this capability in a future version. This feature was discovered in the code of WhatsApp for Android version a couple of months ago and has since been disabled. At the time, the functionality was still in the early stages of development and had not yet been made available for public beta testing. Following the introduction of ‘Collections’ earlier this month, WhatsApp Business account users will be able to better organise their library and categorise goods into several categories. Furthermore, according to reports, WhatsApp is introducing a new control bar to the picture-in-picture video mode in the near future. Users will be able to instantly pause and restart a movie, as well as open and close full-screen mode, using the control bar. This functionality is presently available in the instant messaging app, although it is only available for videos from specific platforms. Also, WhatsApp recently spotted a testing reactions feature. It has been discovered that a new beta version of WhatsApp for iOS has been released, which includes a new notification settings option. The alerts generated by WhatsApp’s message responses are precisely targeted by the configuration options. According to reports, WhatsApp users will be able to choose whether or not to get these alerts at all, as well as how they sound. WABetaInfo has reported that the beta update has been released. According to a report, the new beta version of WhatsApp is, and it was released on October 12, 2015. Reactions will now have the same two settings available on WhatsApp’s Group and Message alerts, as well as on the Notifications tab. This implies that there is a toggle button to turn on or off the alerts, as well as a configuration option to customize the notification sound.